The Product-led library allows users to customize the look and feel of its components. It provides a default theme that can be easily overridden or changed to suit specific requirements.
Default Theme
The library’s default theme consists of the following properties:
primaryColor: '#3498db',
secondaryColor: '#2ecc71',
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
textColor: '#333333',
fontSize: '16px',
fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif',
borderRadius: '4px',
boxShadow: '0px 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
spacing: '8px',
linkColor: '#2980b9',
errorColor: '#e74c3c',
successColor: '#2ecc71',
warningColor: '#f39c12',
infoColor: '#3498db',
Overriding the Default Theme
You can override the default theme by using CSS variables. To change specific properties, simply define your custom values in your CSS file.
:root {
--primaryColor: #473ce7;
In this example, the primaryColor is set to a new value.
Programmatically Changing the Theme
To dynamically update the theme in your application, use the following method:
Productled.getInstance().applyCustomTheme(customTheme: Partial<Theme>);
const customTheme = {
primaryColor: '#ff0000',
secondaryColor: '#00ff00',
// ... other theme properties
This method allows you to pass a custom theme object to override the default or previously applied theme properties. You only need to provide the properties you want to change.